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Transforming Challenge 

As you progress through the ALA system at place in Chapin high school they begin to gear you towards research and a big yearlong project that will help you get into college. They do this by helping to pick classes and allowing students to work with teachers that could help them. Even with all this preparation the biggest challenge of my junior year was said project. Taking on such a huge task while still mostly reliant an parental figures for out of school responsibilities helped to transform the way i went about things and gave me more confidence in making important contacts and doing things for myself. The sheer size of this task quickly helped me to learn that there are some things that you cant do the night before they are do, because they rely on others, and they are not willing to put your needs first. Also this task transformed the way i look at the world. By having to take responsibility for finding contacts and shaping my project it has shown me how helpful that others can truly be, and all you need to do is ask( in a timely manner)

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