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Active Listening

Active Listening is when someone devotes 100% attention to the thing that someone else is saying. This means that they are trying their hardest to pick up every bit of information the other person has to offer. This is important to leadership because effective communication is what allows teams to effectively work together and work well. I personally have trouble with this aspect of leadership as i am easily distracted. I would like to work on this as I progress as a leader.

A time when Active listening was useful to me was when I was doing leadership activities with my friends from a medical camp at northwestern.  We weren't  allowed to talk during this activity, so we had to actively listen to each other by paying attention to each others  actions and gestures. 

This experience showed me the extent in which you can listen to someone and the extra signals you can pick up and retain when you pay 100% of your attention to absorbing all the information that someone else is giving you. This will be very helpful for entering the job market.

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