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In my freshman english class we had multiple descussion topics. One way we sorted through these was debates. In these debates we would each pick a side, and begin collecting information. After collecting multiple facts from many reputable sources we would go against each other and see who had prepared better. This project taught me lots about the qualities of a leader. For example in the debates we didnt know what the other team would say, so we had to adapt our reputions according to the oppositions claims. This taught me to think on my feet. Another thing this taught me was organization is a key in leadership. Without leadership in debates everything would fall apart and your team would lose in the end.


Poetry project

In english we where studying poetry and the figurative launguage used in it. After learning about it we where tasked to pick a poem and a anylisis technic to put our interpretation of the theme into a powerpoint and present it to the class. This helped me devolope my definition of leadership by letting me follow my own thought without restiction. It also showed me that my thoughts are important to my decisions and the things that i do. 

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